Jamaica Day

Jamaica is widely regarded as the cultural Mecca of the Caribbean. Over the years Jamaica has positively and purposefully impacted the world in various creative and cultural endeavours. It is important that as a society we make certain that our rich cultural heritage is passed on to the next generation in order to secure our legacy as a cultural powerhouse. It is not surprising that this agent of socialization is the vehicle being used to guarantee that the norms, mores, values and attitudes of the society are passed on. Jamaica Day has been celebrated in the school system since 2002. The day is usually observed on the last Friday in February. Jamaica Day celebrations are spearheaded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information. The day was instituted to encourage an appreciation for the nation’s cultural heritage to celebrate the country’s contribution to the world.  The theme for Jamaica Day is Celebrating Jamaica: Highlighting our icons in the Arts, Agriculture and Technological Innovations. The commemoration of Jamaica Day in our centres of learning usually takes the form of a cultural presentation in which students and teachers participate. Exotic Jamaican foods are usually on display as students perform and entertain throughout the day. It is expected also that the community will participate in the day’s activities. Students are allowed to wear the Jamaican colours or the traditional bandanas to school on this significant day, as the nation pauses to pay tribute to our cultural icons and celebrate our rich culture. Happy Jamaica Day.

Wayne Campbell is an educator and social commentator with an interest in development policies as they affect culture and or gender issues.


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