Innovations: A Better Life For Future Generations

"Let us commit to embracing innovation to ensure a better life for future generations and chart a path towards sustainable, inclusive urban development that benefits all." — UN Secretary-General António Guterres
October 31 each year is designated by the United Nations as World Cities Day.  As I read about this very important day I got mixed feelings about my own city of #Kingston. Over the years the city of Kingston has seen so much unplanned settlements. Sadly, this type of situation has been a breeding ground for crime and violence.  Unfortunately, a significant portion of the city has seen the middle and working class flee from these areas to more desirable areas in Kingston. In some if not all of these unplanned settlements dons have taken over control over the lives and movement of the people as the State has all but abandoned their responsibility of the citizenry. It is rather ironic since in most of the unplanned settlements the interference of politics was responsible for their establishment. On the other hand the city of Kingston has a lot going in its favour. In 2015, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designated the city as a Creative Music City. The city is currently undergoing expansion of roads and other infrastructural work.  World Cities Day is expected to greatly promote the international community’s interest in global urbanization, push forward cooperation among countries in meeting opportunities and addressing challenges of urbanization, and contributing to sustainable urban development around the world.  Interestingly, over half the world’s population now lives in cities. With the number expected to double by 2050, urbanization is one of the world’s most transformative trends. A number of challenges come with urbanization from affordable housing, environmental matters, climate change, infrastructure, basic services, food security, health, education, decent jobs, climate change, global warming, personal safety, accommodation for the performing arts and other cultural art forms and natural resources. Urbanization can also present great opportunities and is a critical tool for sustainable development if it is done right. The main objectives of World Cities Day 2019 are to increase awareness of how digital innovations can be used for urban service delivery to enhance the quality of life and improve the urban environment, to show new frontier technologies that can create more inclusive cities, to present opportunities for renewable energy generation in cities and to explore how frontier technologies can promote social inclusion in cities. The theme for #WorldCitiesDay is “changing the world: innovations and better life for future generations”. As I ponder on the theme I reflected on those residential communities which have been bombarded by commercialization.  In some urban spaces bars have been allowed to operate in the communities. This clearly runs counter to the theme of a better life. How can this be better life when the sleep of the citizens is disturbed?  How can this be a better life when one’s gate is blocked by patrons of such establishments? How is this sustainable development? Where is the authority in all of this chaos?  What is the role of local government?  What is the role of the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation? #KSAMC   Is it too much to expect some peace and quiet in your own home?  It comes as no surprise that World Cities Day went rather quietly in the city of Kingston.  To what extent are we moving towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, especially #SDG11 which addresses sustainable cities and communities?  Who will reclaim our communities from the thuggery behaviour which has taken over so many of our neighbourhoods?  The World Health Organization (WHO) adds that cities have a role in supporting better health. The WHO states that reducing speeding and sugary drink consumption, as well as cleaner air, a ban on tobacco advertisement and monitoring non-communicable diseases are some actions which cities can implement and encourage. Are you also convinced that there needs to be some public education regarding good citizenship. The State also should enforce the laws surrounding breaches of the zoning regulations. It cannot be that a group of people decide to have a street dance and in the process suspend the rights of other citizens in the community. Are you longing for a return of respect, law and order and decency for all in your city? Who is looking out for the sick and the elderly whose sleep is being interrupted due to noise pollution? Clearly, this is not the way to go to achieve a better life for future generations?

In the words of Ban Ki-moon, sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance.          
Wayne Campbell is an educator and social commentator with an interest in development policies as they affect culture and or gender issues.
#UrbanOctober  #Innovate4Change #Kingston #Jamaica #urbanization #sustainabledevelopment



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