Poem-Life Is

So much like a fog life can be. Today, I am like a cloud floating, floating with much determination and purpose. There are days your luck changes like the weather, drastic and dramatic. Some days a battering comes, unexpected and unplanned but in the end we remain steadfast and strong. As strong as a lion traversing through the jungle, life is like a jungle. We pass each other as hustle along in this harsh world. A world which takes no prisoners! Only the strongest gets to write the narrative.   
Our lives are so much intertwined, perhaps you disagree, and you have that right. We scoff at the ‘others’ and turn up our noses on those we refer to as ‘others’ not knowing how and when our luck will change. A change is coming; can you feel it in the air? A gentle wind is blowing, the clouds are gathering, The harvest is ripe.  Never laugh at those who are different or who are having difficulty in life. The same others we turned our backs on, and giggle and mock, even ridiculed. The whispering and laughter; the humiliation and pain are all linked with being different.  Hypocrisy is evident!
The laughter at the ‘others’ is a constant reminder of the bitterness and resentment that dwells not far below the surface of our humanity.  Where is the compassion which makes us humans? This misguided sense of false security is like the passing clouds. It is rife that our humanity be revisited, a humanity that continues to be redefined and interrogated by external forces, as much as how we process life.  Life is like a mountain, we are at different junctures. It takes time and willpower to reach the top. Life’s journey is often wrought with numerous challenges, yet too many refuse to lend a helping hand. Instead, we prefer to laugh at the fallen and speak ill. Your humanity is interlocked with mine. The downtrodden today will write the ending tomorrow. Life Is!  - Wayne Campbell   

Wayne Campbell is an educator and social commentator with an interest in development policies as they affect culture and or gender issues.


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