Poem: Renovare

Your smile speaks relief. Relief that has been molded by the astuteness of experience. Your veil of darkness, pain, misery and grief. Gone! Replaced with a spirit of hope, amidst an air of expectancy for all things good. Reaffirming of your faith. Your smile speaks to the miracles of restoration and reconciliation of humanity to her Creator. A new day has dawned. Confidence! To embrace the unknown of a new year; to recapture the imagination which comes with a new beginning? To shrug off the baggage of yesteryear; and adorn yourself with precious jewels of optimism and innovation. Your smile reignites that passion to live life not merely existing. To refashion a community sense of trust necessary to navigate the unfamiliar. A togetherness to overcome the painful past and forge ahead. Buoyancy! To hasten your footsteps in the rebuilding of ravaged communities; as the perennial Phoenix we will rise again. To heights unheard of; and unseen; your smile. To hold close; success and happiness. Possibility! For a fixity of purpose and ambience. To quench that loneliness in your bosom. © Wayne Campbell


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