Exorcism, Principalship And Servanthood
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”- Nelson Mandela There is never a dull moment in Jamaica. It is that time of year again when hundreds of students make the transition from primary to secondary schools, as well as from secondary to tertiary institutions. In recent weeks we have seen an increase in the number of School Leaving Exercises. Graduation is synonymous with happiness, it’s that time when scores of students adorn their schools’ graduation gowns and caps and slow march to the beat of some popular lyrics in the afternoon sun to collect their certificates and to receive awards for academic excellence. The parents of the graduates are usually in the audience taking pictures of their loved one receiving awards. The rehearsals are done repeatedly in order to get it right as the graduating class participates in the numerous songs sang at these exercises. The long awaited Primary Exit Profile (PEP) results have been released by ...