Recognise Work Of Pedestrain Crossers

There are many categories of unsung heroes in the Jamaican society. The tendency is for us to ignore them. However, the greatness of any society is measured in terms of how the least among the populace is treated. The time has come for us as a people to pause to pay tribute to, and formally recognized the sterling contribution of the numerous individuals who work as pedestrians crossers across the island.

These categories of workers are mainly found in front of our schools where they assist our children in crossing the busy thorough fare daily.  They are always smartly clad in their white coats with their wooden “Stop Children Crossing Sign”.
These unassuming Jamaicans have for the most part been forgotten by the society. However, their invaluable contribution to the nation’s children and to the development of our human resources should not go without recognition.

Sadly, many of these persons of both sexes have died without being formally recognized. Yet, many are now retired. A new generation has emerged continuing the proud tradition of service to their fellow Jamaicans. Their service is characterized with commitment and dedication to task. However, due to a lack of formal recognition many of our pedestrian crossers have fallen on hard times and have been left out in the cold. Many are without a pension and many are struggling to make ends meet. Additionally there is no health benefit for these workers. 
They continue to be treated as the invisible and voiceless among us. In spite of the harsh economic times we should remember and pay tribute to our unsung heroes?

Wayne Campbell


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