Poem- East Indian Mango

                                                                            East Indian Mango

I saw it this morning
Hanging midway from the sparsely laden tree
It lit up my eyes! Bright yellow and oblong
I had great plans for it.Yes! My after Sunday dinner dessert
Gone! Six hours later

Right there on the branch close to the dividing wall
Aromatic! The queen of tropical fruits
Almost ripe, Spotless! My clingstone fruit
Not just any mango,
It was an East Indian Mango

Where did my mango go?
Is it possible?
Why didn’t they ask?
Instead they violating my space and property
Whose belly is now full with my “Eastie”

When will I overcome this heartbreak?
Not the first time might I add?
Was a mango worth destroying a good relationship between neighbours?
Why are people so bad- minded and covetous?
Does anyone care?

By Wayne Campbell



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