Declining Birth Rate A Cause For Concern
Over the years there has been documented proof linking the relationship between economic recession and a declining birthrate. As the Jamaican economy continues to contract we have been witnessing a decrease in birthrate. In 2011 Jamaica had a birthrate of 19.2 births per 1,000, however, a year later in 2012 the birthrate declined to 18.89 births per 1,000. It is very obvious that the society’s recovery and stability hinges not solely on the IMF deal that was signed recently by the government and this international lending agency but more so on a healthy and increasing birthrate. Jamaica is not alone in terms of having a declining birthrate. In fact the figures are a little better in Jamaica since on average the birthrate is 2.3 children per woman compared to fewer than 2 children per woman in most of Western Europe. In many parts of the world especially in Western Europe, declining birthrates have become a cause for concern. In countries such as Spain and Italy the birthr...