Kamala Harris: Trailblazer
“Politics is like a stage. Each politician plays his part according to the lines that are given to him.”-Ashwin Sanghi. Women’s Leadership and Political Participation . The phrase 'glass ceiling' refers to an invisible barrier that prevents someone from achieving further success. It is most often observed in the workplace. It is covert and cannot be seen. The term was first printed in a 1984 book by Gay Bryant. 'Cracking the glass ceiling' is the phrase used when women or people in minority groups have made gains or achieved some success in the workplace. In the United States of America women have occupied all offices except that of president. Harris is on the cusp of history. A Harris presidency will break the ‘glass ceiling’ and send a strong signal to girls that they are worthy of holding any office in the land. Globally, only 7.2 per cent of Heads of State and 5.7 per cent of Heads of Government are women, only 19.1 per cent of Speakers of parliament are women, an...