Demystifying Sexual Health And Masculinity (Part 2)

“The behavior of a human being in sexual matters is often a prototype for the whole of his other modes of reaction in life.”- Sigmund Freud. It is rather unfortunate that in the Jamaican society sexual health is not widely spoken about through official channels. As a result this lends itself to numerous myths and misconceptions regarding one’s sexual health. To a great extent sexual health is grounded in oral traditions. Our boys receive their sex education from the elders on the street corner. Regrettably, oftentimes the information being passed down by the older folks is not grounded in scientific principles. This becomes problematic in a society which glorifies hyper-and toxic masculinities. Numerous Jamaican males are profoundly scarred from forced sexual encounters during childhood. Many parents, especially fathers are supportive towards their son’s early sexual initiation. The popular belief is the earlier a boy has sexual intercourse with a female the higher the probability he...