Poem: Cocoa Piece

Repeated lamentations broke the morning’s silence. A rural community of ordinary folks no more. Evil has redefined the landscape. Perhaps the signs were there, perhaps not. A nation distressed. The pain is unbearable. The sanctity of life has been shredded for triviality; even for the baby on the breast. Barbaric! The pain is too much. To bear time and time again is asking too much. Too much for a nation which is already broken. From the bowels of her innermost being a mother travails for her beloved daughter. A nation is breathless as grief and sorrow have become our constant companions. Untold brokenness continues to define and confront us. This path of destruction has become too familiar. Unresolved conflicts. This untamed monster must be tamed. If not in the lyrics of popular culture, where? A collective introspection is urgently needed. To interrogate such lyrics. When did we arrive at this place of death and sorrow? We are all in this together. Incalculable gri...