Rebuking A Culture of Hatred

“Hate will not prevail. White supremacy will not have the last word.”- President Joe Biden. The recent mass killing of 10 individuals at the Tops Friendly Market on Jefferson Avenue in East Buffalo, New York on May 14 has once again raised the matters of racism and gun control. According to officials the white teenage gunman, 18 year old Payton Gendron drove some three hours to commit this racially-motivated hate crime in the predominantly black neighbourhood. The news reported that eleven of the thirteen victims were black. As reported by authorities, the suspect who lives about 200 miles away in Conklin, N.Y. drove to the Tops store on May 14 and around 2:30 p.m. opened fire in the parking lot, killing three people and wounding a fourth. Armed with an assault-style rifle, he then entered the store and shot customers and workers before surrendering near the lobby, where he was met by law enforcement. One has to ask the question what if the Buffalo gunman was black, would law enfor...