Porridge Anyone ?
Porridge has its genesis from Northern Europe; it was traditionally mostly enjoyed as a savoury. Prior to the introduction of baking ovens and unleavened bread, porridge was one of the most important staples in the British diet. Porridge is a one pot meal. Some places consider porridge food for the poor. The British prison system, for instance, used it as a prison food for inmates. Today porridge is considered very healthy. It is used as a food for the ill because it is easy to digest and it is often eaten by athletes in training. Cooking porridge allows for some flexibility as one can experiment and create one’s twist to one's favourite porridge. We all have had some memory of eating porridge whether good, bad or perhaps one of indifference. Historically, the word is also spelt porage, porrige or parritch. Porridge is customarily served as breakfast; however, it can be had at anytime of the day. This food is usually made from some wheat; grain and...