In Pursuit Of Successful Schools
During the tabling of the 2013-2014 Budget in Parliament the Ministry of Education was allocated $76 billion out of $602 billion to conduct its affair, including the payment of teachers’ salaries. Over the years many individuals have argued that Jamaica has not been receiving a fair return on investments made in education. This school of thought has gained traction in many circles, especially with the most recent report from the National Education Inspectorate (NEI). According to the 2014 National Education Inspectorate (NEI) report more than sixty per cent (60%) of the country, s primary and secondary schools are failing in their education delivery to students. Also emerging from the same NEI report is a most disturbing fact which is threatening to become a trend. In many of the nation’s underperforming schools the report found a lack of effective and transformational leadership. This comes as no surprise, however,especially since those schools which are highly sought after by ...